
Watch this video on YouTube.

〈荒失失奇兵3〉夏日嘉年華已經開始啦~~ 有 玩 有 吃,兼有遊 戲 玩~ 每個happy friday到周末,仲有獅子阿力&死黨企鵝同你大合照!

Madagascar 3 Summer Carnival will be full of fun games, activities, party snacks and laughter… and Alex the Lion and Kowalski the Penguin will lead a parade every Friday through Sunday!!

活動日期Date: 2012.07.13 – 08.03
時間Time:  13:00 ~ 20:00
地點Location: 「澳門銀河」東翼廣場 (免費入場)
East Square, Galaxy Macau (Free Admission)

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