由雲霓文化藝術傳播協會主辦的“默‧牲The Silent One”展覽將於11月23日至12月1日期間假仁慈堂婆仔屋A2畫廊舉行。
是次展覽是墨西哥籍駐北京藝術家Memuco的個人展,展出的作品主題圍繞墨西哥死亡節中的主角人物卡翠娜及其女兒沉靜的故事,講述他們的使命是要帶走瀕危動物的靈魂,引領牠們回到死亡深谷。帶出瀕危動物可愛一面之餘,更顯露作者在故事中呈現的掙扎與無奈,及對瀕危動物的憐惜。現擔任中國日報(China Daily)信息圖形設計師的Memuco,仍舊持續摸索他的情感,藉由大量創作,力求喚醒人類對保護動物的關注及瀕危絕種動物危機的認知。
雲霓希望透過是次展覽透視墨西哥死亡節的文化,也響應保護瀕危動物的態度,為廣大市民帶來一次異國風情的文化盛宴。是次展覽由澳門仁慈堂婆仔屋協辦、澳門基金會、文化局贊助。雲霓更安排Memuco為澳門聖若瑟大學傳播媒體系學生客席講課,教授信息圖形設計心得。展覽訂於11月23日(星期六)下午6至8時舉行開幕酒會,屆時將有DJ Burnie駐場打碟。當天開幕儀式前,下午5時至6時在同一地點舉行藝術家茶敍,歡迎各界人士光臨指導。如有任何疑問,歡迎致電66511389查詢或前往http://www.yunyi.org/查閱更多資訊。
Yunyi Arts and Cultural Communications Association proudly presents ‘The Silent One: Works by Memuco’ Exhibition from 23/11-1/12/2013 at Albergue SCM A2 Gallery.
This beautiful graphic-novel turned exhibition will be the first solo of the Mexican-American, Beijing-based artist in South China. The goal of the exhibition is to promote wildlife conservation and safeguard animals from extinction. Displayed works encompass The Silent One, the daughter of La Catrina, and her heart-wrenching mission to take the last animal of every endangered species to the underworld. The exhibition incorporates Mexican culture The Day of the Dead and is absolutely one of a kind among the many exhibition themes in Macao.
Memuco is currently an infographic designer in China Daily and have been touring around the world for exhibitions, sharing his message on saving endangered species.
Since its establishment in 2010, Yunyi Arts and Cultural has been encouraging intellectual sharing of ideas and to leverage the number of beneficiaries during Memuco’s brief visit in Macao, the artist will be doing an art salon in A2 Gallery and a guest lecture to the Communication and Media students in Saint Joseph University to share his experience as an infographic designer and his passion in fighting against extinction.
The exhibition is co-organized with Albergue SCM and sponsored by Macao Cultural Affairs Bureau and Macao Foundation.