澳門國際行為藝術節MIPAF 2013

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澳門國際行為藝術節每年均邀來國際及華人藝術家來澳進行交流,本年邀請了本哲恩•凡諾 (挪威/英國)、莉莉貝斯•昆卡•拉斯姆森 (丹麥)、尼格爾•羅爾夫 (愛爾蘭)、薩斯基亞•艾登斯(瑞士)、段英梅(德國/中國)、周斌(中國)、王彦鑫(中國)、胡燕子(中國)、童文敏(中國)共9名藝術家來澳,用身體實踐現場行為藝術。藝術家們將以多種表達方式,對所處的生存環境進行觀察和批判, 向觀眾呈現個人獨有的藝術語言。

活動由牛房倉庫主辦,澳門民政總署及澳門文化局贊助。費用全免,歡迎有興趣人仕觀看。詳情可致電28530026 或電郵oxwarehouse@gmail.com查詢

Macau international Performance Art Festival 2013

This year, MIPAF will be hosted on 19th November at the OxWarehouse, the program runs from 6:30pm to 9:30pm.

Participating artists includes: Bjørn Venø (Norway/England), Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen (Danmark), Nigel Rolfe (Ireland), Saskia Edens (Switzerland), Yingmei Duan (Germany/China), Zhou Bin (China), Wang Yanxin (China), Hu Yanzi (China), Tong Wenmin (China).

In this annual event, artists from different countries with distinctive cultural backgrounds, have been invited to perform and exchange their creative approaches, turning observations and responses to their own current surroundings into on-the-spot, real and free performances for the audience.

We believe that the event will bring you insights into performance art from different perspectives and enrichment in artistic vision.

For more information, please inquire at, or call 28530026.

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