
If a tree lives in a house-An installation by Lee Shun Yu

小時候熟悉的居住環境是一幢幢呈各種立方體的建築物,它們長相大致相 若。而周遭幾乎看不到甚麼植物。長大後看見其他城市的景緻也相差無幾。
約九年前移居到澳門。乍看這個小城還保留著很多獨特的舊建築。它們散落在澳門,氹仔舊城和路環各處。也有很 多樹木伴在這些舊房子旁。但近年隨著城市發展及缺欠保育,這些老房子也逐漸減少中。
去年到台南旅行,到過安平樹屋。看到以榕樹盤根的牆壁和以樹冠作屋頂的倉庫,體會到這是人類生存的空間和大 自然的親密的交集。

When I was young, I lived in an environment full of nondescript square-shaped buildings, with very little green areas. As I grew up, I realized many cities had a very similar cityscape.
When I moved to Macau nine years ago, I first noticed that the city seemed to preserve quite a number of distinctive, vintage buildings scattered by Macao peninsula, old Taipa downtown and Coloane village and, most particularly, that they were surrounded by trees. However more recently, with the rapid urbanization and lack of care, the old-charming structures have been disappearing.
Last year I travelled to Tainan, in Taiwan, to visit the Anping Tree House, (an old warehouse covered with banyan trees) which amazed me with its walls interlaced with strangling roots and the warehouse rooftop of the crown. I felt completely overwhelmed by the intimate crossover between human living space and nature.
Now, how much distance shall we keep from nature?

開幕Opening ceremony:12/10/2013 (星期六Saturday),下午四時正4:00 pm

展期Exhibition period:13/10/2013 – 11/11/2013 (逢星期二休息 Closed on Tuesday)

地點Venue:牛房倉庫二樓展廳Ox warehouse 2nd floor show room

策展人curator:施援程 Cora Si

主辦 organisation:牛房倉庫藝術空間 Ox Warehouse Art Space

贊助 Sponsors:民政總署IACM, 澳門特別行政區政府文化局ICM
查詢 For Inquire: 2853 0026

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