
「藝術無國界當代藝術展」將於2014年1月21日在官樂怡基金會畫廊舉行。是次活動除了展示本會會員共17件作品外,本會首次舉辦中學生作品徵集活動。為推廣當代藝術教育及鼓勵青少年投入藝術活動並開發其創作潛能。甄選活動已於2013年12月10日完成,共有35件作品參加並由七人組成的評審團於12月10日選出十件優秀作品。活動只設入選,不設排名。純粹為鼓勵新生代參與當代藝術的創作並且有機會與本地及海外的藝術家交流創作心得和經驗。入選作品將於” 藝術無國界當代藝術展中展出並舉行頒奬儀式。

評審團由七位藝術界專業人仕擔任,包括官樂怡基金會兩名代表:Ms Carla Mendes 及 藝術主任 Mr. Carlos Canhita,澳門創意中心經理兼資深藝術家 Ms. Lucia Lemos 、知名建築師及藝術家呂澤強先生、雲霓文化藝術傳播協會製作人徐芝航小姐以及本會代表馬玉安 (Joao Magalhaes) 先生及李綺琪小姐。


本會自2008年成立以來第五次舉辦會員聯展 。今年展覽將有十七名藝術家參與,包括洪靜文、馬玉安、賴新龍、黃慧儀、百強、李綺琪、Gretchen Ettlie、 李英維、鄭展鵬、蔣靜華、姚昭儀、范世康、胡智杰、黃綺慧、 費蘭度・西莫斯 、李鈺君及陳人豪。




地點: 澳門南灣大馬路 749號地下

開幕: 2014年1月21日下午六點三十分
展期: 2014年1月21 至 2月15日
時間: 星期一至五早上十時至下午七時,星期六下午三時至七時,星期日及公眾假期休息。

EMAIL: BorderlssArts@gmail.com

「Borderless Arts Contemporary Art Exhibition 」is going to be held in Rui Cunha Foundation Gallery on 21st January, 2014. 17 pieces of artworks from members with 10 pieces of selected works from “Borderless Arts Contemporary Exhibition Call for Entry” will be shown. The selection was held on 10th December and, from 35 pieces submitted by local high school students, 10 pieces of outstanding artworks were chosen by the jury team. There’s no ranking in the selection, as our objective is simply to encourage the younger generation to involve in contemporary art creation, offering young people an opportunity to exchange creative experiences with overseas artists. Selected works will be awarded in the exhibition.

Seven professional juries were invited for the selection. They were Ms. Carla Mendes and Mr. Carlos Canhita, Ms. Lúcia Lemos – who is an established artist and manager of Creative Macau –, as well as well-known architect and artist Mr. Andre Lui, , Ms. Chihong Choi creative producer of YUNYI Arts and Cultural Communications Association and Ms. Gigi Lee and Mr. João Magalhães, representing Borderless Arts.

Borderless Arts was founded in 2008 and this is our fifth group exhibition. 17 artists will participate this year included: CM Hong, Joao Jorge Magalhães (SAH) , Hsinlung Lai, Crystal Wong, Gretchen Ettlie, Lei Ieng Wai, Justin Chiang, Catherine Cheong, Grace Yeu, Fan Sai Hong, Jet Wu, Kawaii Wong, Fernando Simões, Judy Lei and Chen Ren Hou.

Awarded candidate : Lou Ka I, Ng Si Nga, Lao In San, Tou Lai Man, Lao Iok Hong, Ho U Ieng, Leong Wai Chon, Ngai Cheng Nam, Chan Hong Io

This activity is co-organised by Fundação Rui Cunha and sponsored by Macau Cultural Institute.

Location: The Rui Cunha Foundation Gallery,
Avenida da Praia Grande, n 749, r/c, Macau
Opening: 21st January, 2014 6:30 pm
Duration: 21st January -15th February, 2014
Time: Mon-Fri 10:00 to 19:00; Sat 15:00-19:00; Sundays and public holidays are closed.

Facebook Page: Borderless Arts
Email: broderlessarts@gmail.com

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