


(澳門,2012年2月7日)金沙中國有限公司今天宣佈將進一步發展公司的演藝表演娛樂項目選擇,計劃包括重新設計位於澳門威尼斯人® – 度假村 – 酒店的多功能劇院、金沙城中心一系列的全新娛樂選擇,將全力協助澳門迎接演藝娛樂市場的新紀元。



自2007年開業以來,澳門威尼斯人已在金光綜藝館™成功舉辦了156晚世界級的娛樂項目,包括巨星演唱會、國際體育賽事和星光熠熠的頒獎盛事,合共迎來超過88萬名現場觀眾。自2008年,金光會展™亦迎來160萬名訪客,舉辦約130場展覽,其中包括於2011年舉行亞洲首屆Top Marques澳門超級跑車及頂級精品展,及廣受歡迎的冰FUN世界。

金沙中國旗下各度假村酒店一直致力網羅全球各地才華洋溢的表演者作獨家表演。現時金沙的表演團隊人數超過100位,他們分別來自百老匯及倫敦著名的劇院區 — 西區(West End)。當新的度假村酒店 ─金沙城中心於春季正式開幕時,定必帶來更多精彩娛樂節目。屆時,澳門威尼斯人著名的貢多拉船夫將聯同金沙城中心的特色街頭表演者Streetmosphere™,集合來自中國及世界各地的雜技演員、雜耍演員、魔術師等,組成人數達40名的龐大表演團隊。表演將結合傳統及當代的中國服飾及音樂,並引領大家體驗全球最大的度假村酒店。金沙城中心亦有計劃設置劇院,令商務及休閒旅客在路氹金光大道的中心地帶享有更多娛樂選擇。

Cirque du Soleil® (太陽劇團™)在亞洲的長駐表演ZAİA™ (譯音: 薩雅)將於2月19日假澳門威尼斯人的劇院上演最後一場表演。林克仁表示:「在這三年裡,ZAİA的突破性演出令萬千觀眾喝彩。澳門威尼斯人亦很榮幸可以舉辦區內其中如此優質的必看節目,期望將來可繼續與太陽劇團再次合作。」

Sands China Expands Entertainment Choices with Broader Theatre Offering

Redesigning of entertainment offering to usher in new era of entertainment in Macao

( Macao , February 7, 2012) – Sands China Ltd. said today that the company’s expanded entertainment offering, including a redesigned multi-purpose theatre at The Venetian® Macao-Resort-Hotel and new entertainment options at Sands® Cotai Central, will play an integral role in helping to usher in a new era of entertainment in Macao .

“We are incredibly excited about the new era of entertainment that’s on the horizon for Macao ,” said Gus Liem, Vice President of Entertainment, Venetian Macau Limited. “We have done extensive research and have full confidence in the strength of the entertainment market here. We invested over US$100 million in custom-building our one-of-a-kind theatre back in 2008, leading to a successful three-year run with Cirque du Soleil®. In view of the market trend and customer demand shown in the research we’ve conducted,  the company will again be investing to redesign the theatre to open up a new world of exciting entertainment opportunities for Macao, allowing us to host a wide variety of the world’s biggest, brightest and most engaging acts.”

Entertainment is a key driver of tourism in Macao ; Sands China and its successful integrated resort model have been leaders in bringing, and will continue to bring, the world’s top entertainment acts to Macao . A diverse selection of world-class international entertainment is an important factor in broadening the demographic of visitors to Macao . In redesigning its theatre at The Venetian, the company is carving the way forward for an expanded offering of quality international and Asian shows in Macao , diversifying the assortment of shows available to the millions of leisure and business travellers who frequent The Venetian Macao each year.

Since opening in 2007, The Venetian Macao has hosted 156 world-class event nights at its CotaiArena™, to a combined audience of over 880,000, having featured superstar concerts, international sporting events and prestigious awards shows. CotaiExpo™ has welcomed 1.6 million visitors to around 130 exhibitions since 2008, including Asia ’s first Top Marques supercar show and the wildly popular Ice World in 2011.

And Sands China properties have consistently delivered the world’s best in-house entertainment talent as well, featuring over 100 performers from Broadway and the West End , with many more to come when Sands Cotai Central – the newest integrated resort from Sands China – opens this spring. The company’s world famous gondoliers will be joined by Sands Cotai Central Streetmosphere™ performers, featuring a group of 40 of the very finest acrobats, jugglers, magicians, musicians and street performers China and the world have to offer. The combination of traditional and contemporary Chinese costumes, music and performance will truly bring to life the world’s largest integrated resort. Sands Cotai Central also has plans for its own theatre, expanding the entertainment options for business and leisure travellers at the centre of the Cotai Strip.

Asia’s resident Cirque du Soleil® show, ZAiA™, will stage its final performance in the theatre at The Venetian Macao on February 19. “We’ve had an amazing three-year run of a truly phenomenal show with ZAiA,” said Mr. Liem. “It has been our pleasure at The Venetian® Macao to host one of the region’s premier must-see performances. We’ve had a wonderful partnership with Cirque du Soleil, and we look forward to continuing our relationship in the future.”


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