馬戲團- 彭 曉個人作品展



牛房倉庫將於2013年3月16日下午4時為 「馬戲團- 彭 曉個人作品展」 進行開幕。創作主題是馬戲團,無論大人或小孩都喜歡看馬戲團表演,因為表演總充滿歡樂和驚喜。特別當看到一隻隻動物模仿 人類跳高,跪下,騎自行車,走綱線等等一幕幕讓人驚心動魄的動作時,更是讓人拍手稱贊。但是,表演的背後,動物們經歷了怎樣殘酷的訓練, 牠們悄悄流過多少眼淚又有多少人看到?彭曉以繪畫穿著打扮光鮮的動物頭像為題材,表達為取悅觀眾,動物們所受的痛苦,讓看畫的人體會和思 考華麗背後的心酸,並借此反思其實人類世界也不過如此。展 期至4月14日,歡迎藝術 愛好者及市民大眾免費參觀。

詳 情可瀏覽http://oxwarehouse.blogspot.com/ 或 登入牛房倉庫facebook。

查 詢請電郵致oxwarehouse@gmail.com 或致電28530026


1983年 出生於廣州。


2011年 於英國University for the Creative Arts畢業並 取得插畫碩士學位

展 覽場館



展 覽日期/時間

開幕:2013年3月16日 下午4時至晚上7時
展期:2013年3月16日 至 2013年4月14日
每日中午12時 至晚上7時

主 辦 牛房倉庫
贊 助 民政總署

Circus ― Works by Peng Xiao

Ox Warehouse will inaugurate the exhibition “Circus ― Works by Peng Xiao” on March 16th, 2013, at 4 p.m. Everyone enjoys the entertaining and surprising performances given by a circus. When seeing the trained animals mimic humans, performing amusing or daring acts, such as jumping, kneeling down, riding bicycles, and walking on a tightrope, the audience will inevitably clap and roar with approval. However, few people know that these animals may have been subjected to cruel training for delivering such performances and even fewer have seen them shedding tears quietly behind the scenes. Addressing their plight, Peng Xiao painted magnificently-clad animals’ heads to show the suffering that animals undergo to entertain the audience, prodding the viewer to understand and reflect on the misery behind splendid animal circuses. Through her depictions, the artist also tries to convey a sameness with the human world. The exhibition lasts until April, 14th. Art aficionados and interested citizens are most welcome to visit. Admission is free.

For more information, please visit http://oxwarehouse.blogspot.com/ or follow Ox Warehouse on Facebook.

For enquiries: oxwarehouse@gmail.com or call us at 28530026.

About Peng Xiao
Born in Guangzhou in 1983.

Graduated from Arts in Design, Macao Polytechnic Institute in 2007.
MA in Illustration in 2011 from University for the Creative Arts, UK.

Exhibition venue:

2nd Floor Gallery
Ox Warehouse

No Cruzamento entre a Avenida do Coronel Mesquita e a Avenida do Almirante Lacerda – Macau

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