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作者 主題: 澳門威尼斯人承邀傳奇R&B聲樂組合誘惑樂隊(The Temptations)來澳獻唱  (閱讀 180833 次)
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« 於: 十一月 23, 2011, 04:27:41 pm »

澳門威尼斯人承邀傳奇R&B聲樂組合誘惑樂隊(The Temptations)來澳獻唱
(澳門,2011年11月23日) – 美國殿堂組合 — 誘惑樂隊 — 將於2011年12月3日(星期六)晚上7時假澳門威尼斯人® - 度假村 - 酒店舉行的澳門美國商會周年晚宴隆重登場。
 早在60和70年代是誘惑樂隊的全盛時期,當時推出很多出色的單曲,包括耳熟能詳的 “My Girl,” “Just My Imagination (Running Away with Me)” and “Papa Was a Rollin’ Stone” 等等。他們用不同的音域造成很特別的和聲,甚至用上假聲, 是motown音樂的表表者。今年欣逢誘惑樂隊成立“美國頭號男子合唱組合” 50週年,慶祝半世紀的盛事。
 如欲索取更多澳門美國商會的相關資料,請登入網站 。如欲預訂貴賓桌或個人席位,可發送電子郵件至。
The Venetian Macao Brings The Temptations to Town
Legendary R&B group to perform at AmCham Macau annual ball
( Macao , November 23, 2011) – The most successful group in black music history – The Temptations – will be performing at the AmCham Macau Annual Ball at The Venetian® Macao-Resort-Hotel on Saturday, December 3, 2011, at 7 pm.
 “The Venetian Macao is a strong supporter of AmCham Macau and the work they do for Macau ,” says Edward Tracy, President and Chief Executive Officer, Sands China Ltd. “We are extremely pleased to be hosting them for their annual ball this year, and are especially excited about bringing The Temptations to perform in their honour.”
 The Temptations were in the heyday of their success in the 1960s and 70s, and produced many hit singles, including “My Girl,” “Just My Imagination (Running Away with Me)” and “Papa Was a Rollin’ Stone.” The Temptations were a part of Berry Gordy, Jr.’s extremely successful “Motown Sound,” whose associated record labels included other hit acts like the Jackson 5, Marvin Gaye and The Supremes, among many others. This year, The Temptations and Motown are celebrating 50 years of “ America ’s number one male group.”
 The American Chamber of Commerce in Macau promotes the development of trade, commerce and investment between the USA and Macau and provides a forum in which the American business community in Macau can identify and discuss common commercial interests in Macau .
 Vice Chair Reggie Martin says, “AmCham stands at the forefront of development in Macau . With new American-based corporations establishing themselves in Macau , we provide insight and business connectivity that is unrivalled by any other international chamber. We stand as one of the most influential chambers in Macau , and from retail to manufacturing, our members represent a diversity of both interests and relationships.”
 More information is available at the AmCham website at Tables and individual seats for the annual ball can be booked by sending an email to

* image001.jpg (15.05 KB, 358x238 - 已被閱讀 3866 次.)

* AmCham invite.jpg (155.26 KB, 865x1181 - 已被閱讀 3382 次.)
« 最後編輯時間: 十一月 23, 2011, 04:28:34 pm 由 vppm » 已記錄

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