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作者 主題: 房間──羅婉儀的繪畫裝置與延伸  (閱讀 4085 次)
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« 於: 九月 25, 2011, 06:56:39 am »

A room – a drawing installation and beyond, by LO Yuen-yi
展期: 2011年9月24日至10月30日
Exhibition Period: 24 Sep – 30 Oct 2011

 藝術家Artist: 羅婉儀 Lo Yuen-yi

策展人Curator: 施援程 Cora Si Wun Cheng

展 覽簡介
多年來,我 用鉛筆在紙本和布本上繪畫:那都是東、西方藝術的繪畫傳統。我選擇有「女」字邊旁的中文文字入畫,我嘗試在性別定型的符號中找尋另種意 義;我的繪畫也連繫到「女書」──一種在中國湖南省江永縣上江墟鄉的農村 婦女中流傳使用的秘密文字──過去幾百 年,一班沒有機會接受教育摒除在語言知識權力以外的農村婦女,在有限的空間裡創造了屬於自己的文字,以歌唱、編繡、書寫等模式在女性親友 朋輩間唱讀。「女書」符號與其衍生出來獨特的文化,訴說著一種不可能的可能:不識字的婦女可以創造,可以以自己創造的符號演繹自己的生 命。那 非正統的語言文字,大有邊緣顛覆的況味。藉著簡單的工具、手作的模式、我創作細絮、重複可串連延伸的作品;我嘗試把性別定型符號的繪畫、和「女書」符號以及我 閱讀「女書」的理念連繫起來──在《房間》i9既有的框框中,越過、發展可能。
Drawing has been the central core in my creative work. I have been working with graphite on paper and fabrics, simple tools as preceded in both Eastern and Western drawing traditions. By appropriating some gender stereotyped Chinese characters that have the female ideograph, I have been attempting to break away from the coded registrations of language. While my drawing is an exploration for new and multiple meanings, my encounter with the writing script nushu has shed light into the disciplines of my practice. Nushu, women’s script, is believed to be created and practiced by the women in Shangjiangxu Township, Jiangyong County, Hunan Province, China for some hundred years. The exclusive use of the script among women for generations well indicates that though not being able to receiving education, some women had been able to create their own means of communication to express their own desires through storytelling, orally in chants, in embroidery work, and in written form. In so doing they transformed their spaces within a culture that allowed them limited access, defining for themselves an identity which was forgotten in History. With the insight of nushu, I explore to manifest in a mundane, meticulous and repetitive manner. The performative practice in A room displays my recent work in various featured spots, making dialogues with the space and suggesting possible transpositions of boundary.

羅婉儀從事藝術創作、寫作和教學工 作。展 覽包括在台北的竹圍駐村藝術家工作 《一 些有關繪畫痕跡的裝置與延伸》(2011);香港的巡 迴個展《一個神話的追跡》(2003-2004);在 英國的三年巡迴聯展《萬里》(2000-2002);在倫敦Victoria & Albert Museum參與的Big Draw Campaign (2002),等等。寫 作有《一冊女書筆記──探 尋中國湖南省江永縣上江墟鄉女書》(香港:香港新婦女協進會 2003);書寫有關藝術文化的《文字繪畫》即將出版(香港:Kubrick  2011)。現任教於澳門大學教育學院。
LO Yuen-yi is an artist, writer and lecturer. Her exhibitions include Traces of drawing, an installation and beyond at Bamboo Curtain Studio, Taipei (2011); The Legend, Sealed and Unsealed (2003-2004), a solo exhibition showcasing in 4 venues in Hong Kong; a group show Ten Thousand Li: Chinese Infusion in Contemporary British Culture (2000-2002), the first British Chinese exhibiting tour in the UK. She was invited to the Big Draw Campaign in Victoria & Albert Museum, London in 2002. Her research work on nushu, women’s script, a matriarchal script was published in A Journal of Nushu, Women’s Script (Hong Kong: Association for the Advancement of Feminism, 2003, edition in Chinese). The upcoming publication Drawing the Writing is a compilation of her discourse on art and culture (Hong Kong: Kubrick, 2011, edition in Chinese).   She is currently teaching visual arts in the Faculty of Education, University of Macau.

主辦Presented by: 牛房倉庫 Ox Warehouse

贊助Sponsor: 民政總署IACM、澳門基金會Macau Foundation

 牛房倉庫 OX warehouse

No Cruzamento entro a Avenida Do coronel Mesquita e a Avenida Almirante Lacerda Macau
開放時間 Opening Hours : 12:00 - 7:00 p.m. 逢周二休息 Closed on Tuesdays
電話 Tel : (853) 2853 0026
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Facebook: 牛房倉庫/OXwarehouse

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« 最後編輯時間: 九月 25, 2011, 06:59:11 am 由 vppm » 已記錄

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