主題: 比利時當代紀錄片(澳門) 影展 作者: vppm 於 三月 17, 2011, 05:01:32 am 比利時當代紀錄片(澳門) 影展
開幕茶會 恭請 光臨指導 牛房倉庫 敬約 *活動地點:澳門新口岸宋玉 生廣場258號建興龍廣場9樓BC座,業餘進修中心 iCentre 放 映室 活動資料:三天內放映13齣比利時當代優秀紀錄片作品,全部放映皆為免費入場, 查詢節目及留位請致電28530026牛房倉庫。 節目放映時間表可於網上瀏覽:牛房倉庫http://oxwarehouse.blogspot.com/ 這次其中兩位比利時紀錄片導演伯努阿•德 爾沃(Benoît Dervaux)及奧利維耶•梅斯(Olivier Meys)亦將來澳出席影展,期待能 與本地影像工作者及對此有興趣的觀眾朋友展開交流。 Ox Warehouse has the honour of cordially inviting you to the Opening Ceremony of DOC. BE - Focus on contemporary Belgian documentary to be held at Centro De Estudos Permanentes Pos-Laboral iCentre Screening room* from 6:00 p.m. on Friday, 18th of March 2011. *Macau Alameda Dr. Carlos d'Assumpção no.258 Praça Kin Heng Long 9 Floor BC Since DOC.BE is a touring project, these dialogues will occur in different spaces of different Chinese cities and eventually become an organic part of the local cultural reality. That is the experimental nature of the DOC.BE.,which embodies an expectation of developing some sort of non-official network for creative/alternative films.DOC.BE is just a starting! From 18 Mar to 20 Mar 2011, total 13 pieces work of contemporary Belgian documentary, Free Admission, enquiry or reservation please call 2853 0026 Ox Warehouse. DOC. BE Screening Schedule: http://oxwarehouse.blogspot.com/ (http://oxwarehouse.blogspot.com/) 18 & 19 Mar 2011 Post Screening Discussion with director Benoît Dervaux (born in 1966 in Liège, a city which has over the last years, established itself as one of the cinematographic poles of Belgium.) 20 Mar 2011 Post Screening Discussion with director Oliver Meys (born in Brussels in 1974, studied film direction at the IAD (‘Institut des Arts de Diffusion’), Belgium.) 夏仲美 May Ha, Chong Mei 藝術行政 Arts Administration -- 牛房倉庫 / Ox Warehouse 澳門美副將大馬路與罅些喇提督大馬路交界 No Cruzamento entro a Avenida do Coronel Mesquita e a Avenida Almirante Lacerda Macau 開放時間 / Opening hours:12:00 ~ 19:00, 逢星期二休息 / Closed on Tuesdays 查詢 / For enquiry:+853 2853 0026 傳真/ Fax:+853 2853 3047 E –mail:oxwarehouse@gmail.com Website:http://oxwarehouse.blogspot.com |