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作者 主題: 《Beautiful Day 2011鄭伊健演唱會世界巡迴澳門站》  (閱讀 5121 次)
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« 於: 八月 29, 2011, 05:18:51 am »

《Beautiful Day 2011鄭伊健演唱會世界巡迴澳門站》


(澳門,2011年8月29日)– 鄭伊健將於2011年9月24 日﹝星期六﹞晚上8時正到臨澳門威尼斯人®-度假村-酒店金光綜藝館™舞台,舉行《Beautiful Day 2011鄭伊健演唱會世界巡迴澳門站》。門票於8月30日(星期二﹞上午十時公開發售。

鄭伊健於今年3月在香港紅館舉行了一連三場的《Beautiful Day 2011演唱會》,由他的好拍擋陳光榮擔當音樂總監,更邀請得著名舞臺設計師朱祖兒親手為其個人演唱會打造立體的大樹舞臺。鄭伊健除了以好歌會友,更大顯身手展翅從天而降,並以多個造型現身,全場歡呼不絕。

這次,伊健決定把他精彩的表演帶到澳門威尼斯人®-度假村-酒店金光綜藝館™。他將再續友情歲月,大唱30多首個人名曲包括個唱主題曲「Beautiful Day」,並會獻唱其他歌手的好歌包括「友共情」及「我的驕傲」等,與澳門粉絲分享他在音樂路上的成長歷程。請即蒞臨金光綜藝館™一睹伊健於《Beautiful Day 2011鄭伊健演唱會世界巡迴澳門站》的真情演繹!

《Beautiful Day 2011鄭伊健演唱會世界巡迴澳門站》之門票於8月30日公開發售。票價分別為港幣/澳門幣650元﹝A區﹞、450元﹝B區﹞及300元﹝C區﹞,觀眾亦可分別以港幣/澳門幣738元﹝A區﹞、538元﹝B區﹞及388元﹝C區﹞選擇包括金光飛航™往返澳門香港雙程船票的套票。歡迎各位親臨澳門金沙一樓售票處或金光綜藝館™售票處購票,或瀏覽網址www.CotaiTicketing.com及致電 (853) 2882 8818、(852) 6333 6660訂購。同時亦可於香港快達票,致電 (852) 3128 8288或各大通利琴行訂購。

* 快達票將額外收取每張門票的顧客服務費

“Beautiful Day 2011 Ekin Cheng World Tour - Macao ”
Tickets go on sale August 30

( Macao , August 29, 2011) – Superstar Ekin Cheng is going to host his concert “Beautiful Day 2011 Ekin Cheng World Tour - Macao” at CotaiArena™ at The Venetian® Macao-Resort-Hotel on September 24 (Saturday) at 8pm. Tickets go on sale on Tuesday, August 30 at 10am.

 In March, Ekin held 3 “Beautiful Day 2011” concerts in Hong Kong which earned him raving reviews and fabulous responses from the audience. He had invited many of his friends and partners to be involved for the spectacular production and marvelous stage design, bringing him the most personalized show with unique elements.

 After his successful performance in his concert, Ekin decided to bring his wonderful show to Macao . In this upcoming concert “Beautiful Day 2011 Ekin Cheng World Tour - Macao ”, he is going to present a full repertoire of many of his remarkable songs including ‘Beautiful Day’, as well as hit songs by his good friends. Don’t miss the chance to see Ekin’s remarkable performance at CotaiArenaä!
Tickets for “Beautiful Day 2011 Ekin Cheng World Tour - Macao” will go on sale on Tuesday, August 30 on the first floor of Sands® Macao and CotaiArenaä Box Office in 3 categories: HKD/MOP650 (A Reserve), 450 (B Reserve) and 300 (C Reserve). The packages with round trip CotaiJet™ ferry tickets between Hong Kong and Macao will be at HKD/MOP738 (A Reserve), 538 (B Reserve) and 388 (C Reserve) respectively. Tickets can be booked online at, by phone on (853) 2882 8818, or (852) 6333 6660; and are also available through Hong Kong Ticketing* (852) 3128 8288 and Tom Lee Outlets.

 * Hong Kong Ticketing applies a customer service fee in addition to the face value of the ticket on all tickets sold

* Ekin Cheng Poster_HighRes.jpg (913.69 KB, 2956x4433 - 已被閱讀 1016 次.)

* photo1.jpg (97.98 KB, 1024x683 - 已被閱讀 1030 次.)

* photo2.jpg (186.79 KB, 1024x683 - 已被閱讀 970 次.)

* photo3.jpg (126.57 KB, 1024x682 - 已被閱讀 942 次.)

* photo4.jpg (158.14 KB, 1024x683 - 已被閱讀 943 次.)

* photo5.jpg (130.6 KB, 1024x683 - 已被閱讀 977 次.)

* photo6.jpg (139.87 KB, 1024x683 - 已被閱讀 1002 次.)
« 最後編輯時間: 九月 24, 2011, 07:24:38 am 由 vppm » 已記錄

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